Our Facebook Page Reaches 3000 Fans!

bannerlikethankyouTBAR has slowly been nearing the 3000th “Like” on Facebook, and with all of the help of our fans we were able to make that milestone today! In this past week we gained over 80 followers, and our post asking you all to share our page was seen by more than 2000 people!

For those of you that don’t know, Facebook does not show all of our posts to all of our fans, in fact, Facebook only shows posts to about 16% of page followers! That is why it is so important for us to receive your “likes”, Comments, and “shares” on posts we upload to the TBAR Facebook and RAIN pages. The more interaction a post gets the more Facebook will share it with others. That is why it is so OUTSTANDING that we reached so many people through your shares this week. We can’t THANK YOU all enough for being such great supporters!  The animals thank you as well!

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