Don’t wait for someone else to take care of the problem

Whose Turn is it?

How many times have you seen a stray animal on the road and wondered why it was there and what was going to become of it?

How many times have you thought that “someone” really should “do something” about all the half-starved, homeless cats and dogs that wander around until they perish from hunger, disease, or injury?

How often do you agonize over the number of animals that must be destroyed every year at the local shelter? These sad-eyed products of someone else’s carelessness and indifference deserve a better fate.

There are many animal shelters and many hard-working volunteers who do their best to alleviate the situation. This is good, but there is a great need for more people who will volunteer their time and energies as well.

If each one of us would be willing to spend just a couple of hours each month, the total effort would go a long way to reduce the suffering of those who are unable to help themselves.

Don’t wait for someone else to take care of the problem. Every person has something of value to contribute. Call your local shelter today and tell them you ready to do your part to improve the odds for al animals to live happy and healthy lives.

Cruelty To Animals is Everyone’s Problem, Everyone’s Business

It’s getting worse. Hardly a day goes by that we don’t hear some stomach-turning story about animal abuse. Most of us are sickened by such reports. We ask ourselves why these things happen, and we wonder what we can do about it. The answer is simple, although it isn’t always easy – GET INVOLVED! We can begin by supporting our local animals shelters as well as well-run national animal organizations. But beyond that, if we are really going to make a difference, we must be willing to take on this responsibility as individuals.

Silence encourages wrongdoing. When we witness abuse or neglect of animals we need to speak up and put a stop to it. If it is a matter of ignorant neglect, sometimes all that is necessary is educating the persons involved, and perhaps offering help in dealing with the situation. If that fails to correct the problem, or if it is a case of deliberate cruelty or torture, then contact the local authority immediately. Do not wait. The animal is suffering, and your action might mean the difference to it between life and death. If the animal is already dead, you could be responsible for saving the life of another animal by stopping the abuser. In any case, the perpetrator must be held accountable for his actions.

Each of us has the capacity to abate the needless tormenting and suffering of animals. When we read or hear about cruelty to animals, we can take the time to share our outrage with others by writing to local newspapers and television stations, and encouraging others to do the same. If the abuse – in the name of “sport” or “games” or “entertainment” – is somehow encouraged or condoned by authorities, as it is in some states and in some other countries, we can write or call officials there to let them know that such activities are intolerable in a civilized society. We can also work to pass or strengthen laws in our own communities. And we can refuse to attend movies, rent videos, or buy books that portray mistreatment of animals as anything but wrong.

For those who might ask why we should concern ourselves with the well-being of animals, consider this – The kind of monsters who abuse animals will abuse people. Power over the powerless, be it an animal or a person, is addictive to these degenerates. This type of conduct always escalates and the more it is allowed, the more it will increase. So, beyond the obvious moral considerations regarding our stewardship over helpless creatures, the safety of human beings is at stake as well. Both adults and children who commit violence against humans almost always have a history of violence towards animals. Animal abuse is evil, and evil feeds on itself.

A society which tacitly condones mistreatment of animals by looking the other way, invites havoc upon itself. A society without pity and compassion on those who are unable to defend themselves is diminished, and its’ people are impoverished.

Cruelty to animals is generally defined as when a person knowingly or intentionally: tortures or seriously overworks an animal; fails to provide necessary food, water, care, or shelter for an animal; abandons an animal; transports or confines an animal in a cruel manner; kills, injures, or administers poison to an animal; causes one animal to fight with another; or uses a live animal as a lure. Animal cruelty convictions (depending on the state) can result in both fines and time in jail.

If you need to report an animal abuse situation, have as much information as possible, readily available when you call:

  • Statement of the problem (include dates and weather conditions)
  • Species of animal(s) and how many involved
  • Address or directions to location of animal(s)
  • Name (if known), address, phone number of alleged owner
  • Name, address, phone number of witnesses
  • Close-up pictures, if possible, of the animal(s) and living conditions

If someone has abused your own animal, take it to a veterinarian and obtain a written, notarized statement as to the animal’s condition, diagnosis of problem and cause, and how the problem can be corrected.

To report a case of cruelty to animals, call the local animal control or police or sheriff’s department. Also call your local animal shelter or rescue organization to see what help and advice they can offer.

Halloween Horrors

It is sad but true that there are many dangers in this world for our beloved pets. It is also true that there are people who do not love animals. Instead, they abuse them or even kill them. Halloween brings out an assortment of kooks, crazies and would-be witches, who get a kick out of doing away with cats and dogs in all kinds of vicious ways.

Every year, a week or two before October 31, these individuals start stealing pets or looking for strays to use in their unspeakable acts. Although black cats are preferred, all dogs and cats, and other animals as well, are at risk.

Keep an extra close eye on your pets at this time of year and be alert to strangers in your neighborhood.

On Halloween, it is important to keep your pets indoors. Staying outside can expose them to pranks or accidents. In addition, with all the noise and confusion from trick or treating and other activities, animals can become frightened and run off. Sometimes they will follow children going from house to house and become lost.

So why take chances with the safety of your four-legged friends? Exercise good judgment and err on the side of caution during this season.

Holiday Hazards

During busy and festive times of the year, such as Thanksgiving and Christmas, pet owners need to be alert to the potential dangers that exist for their animals. A few precautions will prevent unnecessary grief.

  • Decorations: Sharp or breakable ornaments, ribbons, yarn, angel hair, icicles, and tinsel are all very real hazards to dogs and cats, who often ingest these items when attempting to play with them. These are NOT appropriate toys.
  • Tree: Pine tar from needles, sprayed on preservatives, and flocking are all poisonous – as is the water in the tree pan which animals might drink. Electrical cords and strings of lights can give a deadly shock when chewed on,. Instead of sharp “fish-hook” hangers, use green or red pipe cleaners for attaching ornaments; twist tightly and they won’t fall off. Also, be sure to secure tree from falling over onto pets.
  • Plants: Poinsettias, mistletoe, and holly are very poisonous to pets. Keep them out of reach.
  • Food: All that rich, fatty dressing and gravy can make your pet sick. Turkey bones can splinter and lodge in an animal’s throat or intestines. The string used while cooking the turkey is tempting and hazardous; dispose of carefully. Chocolate is poisonous to animals, and alcohol is equally fatal. Keep all these away from your pet.
  • Other dangers: including lighted candles, ribbons tied around a pet’s neck, and open doors through which your pet can dash (often unnoticed) and become lost. Keep collars and I.D. on all cats and dogs in case they escape from your home or yard. When expecting guests, confine animals in a quiet room and keep door closed.

Remember, your pets will be curious and excited by all the activities, and more likely than usual to get into trouble. By taking the proper steps ahead of time, and using a little caution, you can insure that your holiday season is joyful, and not marred by needless tragedy.

Firework Hazards

To some people, fireworks are as American as apple pie. They find the sparks and pops and bangs exciting. However, what some people may find exciting and fun (since we know what is going on), is fearful and alarming to most animals. All that noise and confusion can create real chaos and terror among animals. As a result, every year during times when fireworks are commonly used (Fourth of July, New Year’s Eve, etc.), many animals are lost, injured, or even killed as a result of their reactions to the commotion.

It is very common for household pets to run away from home and become lost or hurt because they are frightened by fireworks nearby. And the danger is not only to cats and dogs. Large animals – particularly horses – also react unpredictably with sometimes disastrous results. Horses will often panic and run into fences or other obstacles. Every year there are reports of seriously injured horses and deaths of horses attributed directly to their response to the noise of fireworks.

You can prevent these needless tragedies in two ways. If you have small animals, make every effort to keep them indoors during times when fireworks are being used in the neighborhood. At the very least, keep them behind a fence and keep an eye on them.

If you have horses or other large animals, try to pasture them away from the roadway and anywhere there might be fireworks going off. Try to stay with them and keep them calm. By being near at hand, you will be able to come to their aid more quickly if they get into trouble and need attention and help.

Please consider not using fireworks at all. They are dangerous for people as well as animals. In addition to causing direct bodily injury, fire hazards are very real, and dozens of fires are started every year due to fireworks. Instead, plan on attending one of the professional fireworks displays in your area.

If you do decide to use fireworks remember they are not toys, and use caution at all times. Be aware that most cities and many counties now ban the use of fireworks by individuals and you could be subject to fines and/or imprisonment for breaking the law. If you are using fireworks even in the country, be considerate of your neighbors and their animals. Don’t use fireworks near animals or children or during high winds or dry conditions. Ideally, notify your neighbors in advance of your plans to set off any fireworks.

Pets and Pickup Trucks

Every year, thousands of dogs are injured, and dozens more are killed, from riding unrestrained in the back of open-bed pickup trucks. They frequently fall, jump or are thrown from the vehicle. Flying debris and insects often damage delicate eye-tissue, ears, and noses.

If at all possible, let your pets ride up front with you or leave them at home. If you must carry your animals in the back of your truck, please use a secured crate or restraining harness to help protect your pet. The harness needs to be tethered on both sides of the truck so that the dog is held in the center of the truck-bed and can’t be thrown over the side and dragged along the road.

Also remember, when the sun heats up the metal truck-bed, the bottom of your pet’s feet can be easily burned. A rubber mat can prevent this and help provide traction for the animal. Be aware that without shade, your pet can become over-heated – even on days with moderate temperatures.

Deadly Heat in Cars

On hot summer days, the temperature inside a car will climb more rapidly than you would possibly imagine.

On an 85° day for example, the temperature inside of a car (even with the windows down) will reach 120°. On hotter days it will go even higher.

A dog’s normal body temperature is 101.5° to 102.2° Fahrenheit. A dog can withstand a body temperature of 107°-108° for only a very short time before suffering irreparable brain damage or death. Obviously, the same goes for cats and other animals as well.

Don’t leave any animal in a car for any reason. Even when you think you will be gone for “only a minute.” Dozens of pets needlessly die this tragic way every summer.

If for any reason, an animal should be overcome by heat exhaustion, immediately soak it down with cool water and take to a veterinarian as soon as possible.