Halloween Horrors

It is sad but true that there are many dangers in this world for our beloved pets. It is also true that there are people who do not love animals. Instead, they abuse them or even kill them. Halloween brings out an assortment of kooks, crazies and would-be witches, who get a kick out of doing away with cats and dogs in all kinds of vicious ways.

Every year, a week or two before October 31, these individuals start stealing pets or looking for strays to use in their unspeakable acts. Although black cats are preferred, all dogs and cats, and other animals as well, are at risk.

Keep an extra close eye on your pets at this time of year and be alert to strangers in your neighborhood.

On Halloween, it is important to keep your pets indoors. Staying outside can expose them to pranks or accidents. In addition, with all the noise and confusion from trick or treating and other activities, animals can become frightened and run off. Sometimes they will follow children going from house to house and become lost.

So why take chances with the safety of your four-legged friends? Exercise good judgment and err on the side of caution during this season.

Posted in Animal Care.